Tuesday, March 12, 2013

OVC Fun in Nashville

 Even though Murray State didn't win the tournament this year, we still had a great time in Nashville!  Jeff and I left early on Friday to meet Dad, Carrie and Bobby for dinner before the semi final game.  After the Racer win, we headed downtown to celebrate!  After a few hours of singing at the Big Bang, we made our way back to the hotel at an hour that I had not seen in a long time.  And of course we couldn't sleep in...the boys had to play golf in the morning!

Saturday Carrie and I did some shopping while the boys played golf.  Mom was able to join us that afternoon too...just in time to see the Racers lose in the final.  While the game was a fun one to watch, we headed out to find some food to drown our pain about the loss.

After another late night, we did get to sleep in!  We had lunch with everyone and then headed home.  While we were playing in Nashville, GaGa and Morgan had tons of fun at home!
 Me and Jeff
Carrie and Bobby
Me, Jeff and Dad
 Me, Jeff, Logan, Michelle and Holly
 Emily even joined us Saturday night!!

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