Sunday, November 13, 2016

My Heart Melts

How did this happen?  Seriously.  I don't know when it happened, but somehow I have a seven year old living in my house.  Goodness I love this kid so much.  She amazes me and challenges me every day.  She loves so big and makes me proud all the time.  Morgan truly loves school and learning each day.  I pray that never changes.  I love watching her mind grow that way.  She's just like me in so many ways that we struggle together some times.  But I wouldn't have it any other way.  The one way she is not like me?  She loves math!  Like really loves it!  But that makes Jeff proud.  It's their thing and I will never understand.  Ha!  Morgan loves her friends and is still such a girly girl.  She loves all things sparkly and has become an artist.  She wants a blank sheet of paper and a pink crayon all the time.  She is a really good kid and I couldn't be more proud to be her Mom.

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