Sunday, November 27, 2011

Our Golden Bulldogs

My husband is a true Bulldog fan. Neither rain, snow, sleet or back spasms could keep him away from Starkville. Friday night he declared that he felt much better and wanted to go to the game the next day. I thought he was crazy! But off we went to Starkville. Garett and Michelle gave us their tickets and we were very thankful since they were under the awning! We stayed dry the whole game! But let me say how impressed I was with our fans. The stadium was packed all game throughout the rain! Oh how we love to beat those Rebels. It was a great game and worth the wet, painful trip to watch our boys with the Golden Egg again! And now we go bowling!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe y'all made it!! So proud of you for being such a trooper!! :)
